Friday, April 16, 2010

TOMS Shoes, Facebook & Christianity

My daughter recently asked if she could have a pair of TOMS shoes. I immediately went to my closet and started to grab her a pair of my shoes. That is when she told me what they were. She told me about this company and how they give one pair of shoes to a person in need with every pair purchased. I then asked her to let me see the shoes. We went to the website and looked at them. I thought...Meh...

She pleaded with me...its for a good cause. Sure they were more than I wanted to pay for THOSE shoes...but the purpose was a good one.

I then saw their advertisement on Facebook and quickly realized how big this project was. There are 175 million people that log in to Facebook everyday. That is incredible! TOMS shoes is now taking their purpose, their cause, their core value that everyone should have at least one pair of shoes to the world of Facebook.

I had to ask...what if the church...what if my church, my denomination...the Assemblies of God...what if I...took up the cause of Christ like TOMS Shoes has taken their cause?

We spend a lot of our lives trying to find happiness. Helen Keller said,

"Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose."

I can think of no more worthy of a purpose that the cause of Christ...what will you do?

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